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  👋 A Note for Test Drivers
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days after you enroll
Available in days
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  Getting Started
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  Assembling the Team
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  Setting the Stage
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  Building Plans
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  Planning for Systems and Big Decisions
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  References and Acknowledgments
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Tour: Planning Navigator Course

Join Lee on a walk-through of the planning course and our approach to helping you make the most out of planning your project.

"Build Livable courses hit all the right topics with enough depth to be helpful without overwhelming homeowners. I learned some things and recommend it to anyone planning or building a custom home. "

~ Matt Roewe, Architect

"I love the layout and design of the Build Livable courses. I'm impressed that this amount of content can feel so easy to digest and use."

~ Kris V., Homeowner

"For about the cost of a one-hour professional consultation, Build Livable's courses provide homeowners with both general and detailed knowledge for getting the most out of a custom home project." 

~ Mark Seman, Architect

"Anyone building (or interested in building) a custom home should consider the Build Livable's courses. They are invaluable because they connect the homeowner with the entire process using clear and concise language and examples. It’s helping us understand our options and articulate our thoughts so we can work more productively with the construction team. Highly recommended."

David W. & Michael G., Homeowners

Ready to Roll?

Consider adding our courses to your sales and onboarding process. We make it easy.
You'll purchase coupon codes that make the courses free to your clients. Just send a link in email and you're done.
We're happy to talk about ideas and options: [email protected]